A series of workshops run with 16-19 year olds, helping to communicate emotions nonverbally.
After a set of practical exercises exploring how colour, texture, form, materials, light, and a body posture can illustrate different emotions, each participant created an abstract wearable mini environment, using mostly recycled materials to convey an emotion personal to how they felt.
The final outcome was a set of portrait photographs, where the body gesture and the artwork became deeply personal yet anonymous representations of individual emotional states.

Featured projects

Emotional Spaces Project
Therapeutic art workshop run with a group of 17-19 year olds exploring the expression of emotions through materials, shapes and body posture. Creating wearable body sculptures.

Snow Q - Regency Town House, Brighton.
Collaborative community project with poet Maria Jastrzebska and composer Peter Copley, working with the Young Carers and Older and Out charities. Inspired by the archetypes and themes of the Snow Queen fairy story….